One morning, the phrase, “I met Jesus on the road…” went through my mind, and a melody came to me at the same time. That brief but profound image drove me back to the New Testament gospel accounts of the mostly unnamed people who literally crossed paths with Jesus. Continuing to ponder that scene, I was totally overwhelmed by the cumulative impact of their amazing stories, along with the likely thousands more not mentioned. As I imagined this multitude of witnesses sharing their personal testimonies with each other, the song, “Meeting Jesus” emerged.
One by one, they tell of their incredible encounters – on the road, at the well, while wandering in the tombs, in the temple. They were unable to hear, to see, to walk, and they had questions; one had spent years seeking earthly help, some were in moments of extreme need, others had completely given up, and more than one was already dead. They lived as outcasts, unaccepted, unclean, unlovely, desperate, lost, alone, hopeless, powerless, and needy. Even some in positions of power and authority were willing to acknowledge their helplessness. Outside of a miracle, no one had reason to believe that their situation could ever change. But then, Jesus…some sought Him out, others were brought to Him, and sometimes, as if it was planned, He came to them.
Those first-century miraculous meetings with Jesus were surely more than isolated moments in time. The ripples from such direct encounters with the power and presence of God must have been deeply significant and life-changing. In my own experience, encountering Jesus’ presence many years ago has had a long-term impact on my life. In the area of music, which occupied a central place even before becoming personally aware of God’s love, I experienced an expanded and transformed vocational call which has allowed me to sense God’s joy, give Him glory, and share His love. The added and completely unexpected blessing of songwriting has been a gracious invitation to step outside of my naturally sequential, ordered comfort zone into a creative, Spirit-led collaboration, uniting God’s Word with His gift of music. Each song is like a personal encounter with Jesus, uniquely birthed in its own time and way, sparked by a particular scripture, melodic idea, rhythmic motive, or chord progression.
The gospel writers described healings and miracles which convinced them that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the One who came to set captives free, open blind eyes and deaf ears, and usher in the kingdom of God. As we read these New Testament encounters with open hearts and eyes of faith, we, too, can meet Jesus. We can also be led to Him by present-day disciples, others in our lives who are willing to share their personal testimonies of the power and presence of God.
The chorus of “Meeting Jesus” begins with a powerful question that cut straight to the heart of a man who had waited 38 years for divine help: “Do you want to be healed?” Like all of those in the gospel accounts, he appeared to have little to contribute to his own healing other than putting His faith in Jesus, a seemingly small but significantly powerful step on the Christian faith journey. Some of us who are desperately desiring healing may feel we need to do something to deserve it, to earn it, or to help God: something that is “our” part. But Jesus asks us for a childlike faith to trust that His hand is powerful and that He knows exactly what we need. He may heal what we have come requesting from Him, or He may choose to work more deeply within us without immediately resolving the issues that have driven us to Him. Regardless, the first step of this healing journey is meeting Jesus…
“I am willing, and I am all you need. When your faith is small, I am all in all, look to Me.”
("Meeting Jesus" can be found on the album, "I am Found...It is Well!")
Lovely reflection. Thank you!